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What is Alexandria Wellness? It’s Community and Resilience

Who would have thought that a global pandemic would place our wellness plans front and center of our lives and we’d accomplish so much in nine months?

Is it really true these Alexandria Wellness women got strong(her) and got super uncomfortable digging into their physical and emotional wellness? They are here one more week to share their journey with you.


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Checking back in with our stress resilience practices has been the most gratifying result of this time with the Alexandria Wellness community. While, yes, we have all benefited from more muscle, better athletic movement, and stronger bodies, we have fine-tuned our stress resilience practices that will last a lifetime.

As a community, we learned to practice channeling our time and energy into the things that are in our control, rather than focusing on the things outside of our control (COVID, elections, news). We focused on improving our physical strength, developing a growth mindset, and the choices we make for our calendars. Our connections with others are deeper (even over Zoom Video!).

Another rewarding byproduct of this time is how we found new friends who are the basis for our wellness circle. Friends who support your wellness and motivate you to be your “best self” will help you continue along the path of holistic wellness. I can name at least ten women who now consider each other friends who didn’t know each other before COVID.

Fitness Gym Motivation Quote. Hand Draw Doodle Background.

Read on to see how the women in the Alexandria Wellness community have prioritized and improved their health and wellness despite the challenges this year has presented them.


Katherine A. – “I contacted Alexandria Wellness once I realized it was okay to prioritize my health and well-being enough to recognize I needed help to get healthy.  

I see Adrien as a partner in the process of becoming the best version of myself. I found her through Alexandria Stylebook. She is someone who works with me, for me, to help me. I have not looked back since I started working with her in August. I am on this amazing road filled with adventure, fun, and surprisingly, fitness that somehow gets snuck in there, and now I am kind of addicted to doing it. And with the potential of another lockdown looming over all of our holidays, I know now that I am on an amazing journey of health and wellness that I will never leave. Even in the worst of times.”

Abstract Lettering About Sport And Fitness For Poster Or Print Design. Healthy Lifestyle. Modern Calligraphy For Business Success Concept. Handwritten Letters. Typography Funny Quote. Vector


Holly C. – “Consistent workouts held outdoors with AW. Meeting in small groups with fellow classmates who encourage one another; acknowledging the importance of stress reduction during a stressful time and being flexible/open-minded. Working with AW on being mentally strong no matter what’s happening with COVID changes. Practicing gratefulness and blocking off time in my schedule for health/fitness.”


Robin –What had been driving time is now yoga and extra workout time. Every muscle group is stronger and I have more agility than before. I can even teach my teenage son a thing or two!”


Tiffany – “I think what has helped me stay strong is the sense of community and that we are all in this together. I look forward to helping a neighbor or a stranger and trying to keep up relationships even in this bizarro world. Seeing friends and getting together for workouts or book club or fundraisers over Zoom helps me to keep going! So, thank you for the virtual workouts and the sanity and sense of normalcy they give me.”


Linda C.“1. Faith in God. 2. Living intentionally and on mission every day (planning my day every am so that I do this) 3. Adrien!  😁

Stronger Than Yesterday Text On Signpost Outdoors During Blue Hour And Sunset. Snow Capped Mountains, Lake And Forest In The Background.

Tracy N. – “With plans and schedules upended, I’ve focused on giving wellness and exercise a prominent slot on my daily calendar and I’ve embraced new healthier habits. I’m so grateful to the inspiring women I’ve met through Alexandria Wellness for the support, great advice, and friendship that motivates me to keep moving, breathe deeply, and get a good night’s sleep every day!”


Holly L. – “Navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenge, no question, but it has also brought many blessings, including the opportunity to get stronger. To me, strength means consistency, commitment, and control. Before COVID, I only exercised once per week and didn’t blink an eye if I had a conflict. Now, I exercise six times per week, and I never miss. Not ever. Instead of trying to fit exercise into my crazy schedule, I now plan my crazy schedule around my exercise. Sometimes that means loading my kettle bells and slam ball when heading to a lacrosse or soccer game and using my children’s warmup time before the game to Zoom into my Alexandria Wellness class – from the parking lot. Skipping is non-negotiable, regardless of my location. My commitment, consistency, and control continue to help me get stronger every day. With newfound strength, I can do one-handed kettlebell swings, a handstand, and six real pushups… to name a few. Thank you Alexandria Wellness for not missing a beat during this extraordinary time and for building a community of strength!”

Wrapping up our strong(her) series feels bittersweet. Our community has grown strong(her), more resilient and closer as a community. We have all looked forward not-only to writing this series yet living it! We have forged friendships that will last a lifetime.

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"Fitness is the greatest gift you can give yourself."

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