The One Surprising Thing That Could Be Holding You Back From “THAT” Body

If I had a dime for every time someone gave me “that” look when I explain that “calendar” is a “spoke” on my wellness wheel, I’d be well…my wallet would bulge a bit more!

Calendar management, and how we spend our precious time, greatly effects our well-being and ability to reach our goals. It doesn’t matter how many wellness strategies we learn, from stress tolerance to using food as fuel, if we don’t plan to implement them into our days, we won’t achieve the wellness results we’re working toward.

Wellness Wheel

You may be reading this thinking “I’m super organized,” or maybe even “I know my fitness class schedule and so I’m good.” This may be true; however, how many times has something, or someone, come between you and that class, or you and that meal prep, or you and that meditation?

Many of us go through our days simply checking things off our to-do lists, completing tasks or meetings, and hurrying from one activity to the next while generally ignoring our own needs. We are often overscheduled, with few breaks and very little time for self-care. This can eventually lead to chronic stress and burnout. If this sounds familiar, you would likely benefit from a new approach to how you manage your calendar.

My method teaches members to think about time differently. They learn to approach their days with confidence, with powerful pauses before they say “yes” and to include their wellness throughout their days. My method helps women, particularly in midlife who are caring for children, parents, teams, or all of the above, determine what is MOST essential to them. I have a process and a methodology, yet simply stated by a client of ours, Melissa,

“Before I understood how my calendar was the biggest barrier to my wellness, I was waking up based on my schedule that day. Waking up at different times on different days of the week. This meant that I got up, got dressed, and raced to get out of the house. I had no time to set the intention for the day. Now, I am calmer and feel better physically and mentally, and because of this, I’ve had my time.”

Adrien Cotton Sitting On A Deck Holding A Book

We have 16 waking hours in a day. How we use that time – on our (or other’s) priorities – determines our ability to CONTROL our day and our life. Period.

My method helps women not only calendarize their wellness but even more importantly, align their calendar with their core values.

“Time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will determine how that coin will be spent. Be careful that you do not let other people spend it for you.” – Carl Sandburg

Wooden Blocks With Words 'Make Time For What Matters!'


Bear with me…

When we take the time to explore our core values and purpose, like “Why am I here?” then we can ultimately determine our true purpose. After we curate our purpose, we can then, develop our days with that purpose in mind. A value is a way of being or believing that something is so important we want to spend our time on it.

We can eventually understand that our greatest asset is our time, and we can more easily see how this fits into how we approach our calendar. How else can we share with the world our passion, other than through the time and intention we set to it?

One big hint we in our community will share is we all know how to set personal rules or boundaries. This way, we are better able to avoid ambiguity and have integrity in our days and our lives. Why are we better able? Because we have learned to cultivate and curate our true purpose and core values. We align them with how we spend our time and like magic our wellness gets its well-deserved place on our calendars!

Calendar App On A Tablet

Dedicating ourselves to a structured calendar, with our values at the core, allows all the other “spokes” of our wellness (sleep, stress, movement, and food) to fall into place. Try it this week!

Are you struggling to feel good in your body and looking for answers to your questions about perimenopause and menopause? I have created an online course to help women THRIVE during midlife. Be one of the first to get access to my 5-module course that teaches the importance of holistic wellness and lays out core strategies to help you MASTER Menopause NOW!

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"Fitness is the greatest gift you can give yourself."

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