The 5 Key Habits Of Healthy And Fit People

I know a few very fit people. Not only because of the profession and vocation I’ve chosen. Yet also, because I seek excellence in my own health, my wellness, and fitness, I tend to spend time with others who value it as much as I do.

Now, when I say “fit,” I really mean “well.” They may or may not look like Mr. and Mrs. Olympia or a fitness model, yet they have a clear sense of the fitness and wellness they want to achieve and make them a daily focus. Yes, their fitness is top-notch. However, what I admire most about all of them is their overall approach to their health and wellness.

Here are the five key habits my healthy and fit friends have in common:

(1) Sleep is a top priority

This is probably the most common link between all my friends who are super fit. They prioritize sleep just as much as their workouts. They follow a bedtime routine and stick to it – making sure they get at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. They know that quality sleep will ensure they have the energy to exercise the next day, be more interested in nutrient-dense foods and avoid cravings, and give them the ability to “respond not react” to stressful situations that arise.

(2) They are committed to their exercise program

Exercise is essential for those who want to be as healthy and fit as possible. The fittest people I know are dedicated to their workouts regardless of their busy schedules, family responsibilities, etc. Movement is scheduled on their calendars, and it’s just as important as their work meetings and doctors’ appointments. They value their fitness and consider it a journey – in other words, some days are great, some are okay, some are so-so, and some are less than amazing. Yet, they are constantly working to improve their strength, prevent injury, and of course, get those mood-boosting endorphins from exercise.

Health Is Wealth Written On A Slate Blackboard Sign Against Weathered Red Painted Barn Wood With A Dumbbell, Apple And Tape Measure

(3) They practice mindful eating and use “food as fuel”

Healthy and fit people know that each meal is a way to provide nourishment to their body so that it can perform optimally, whether it’s to fuel their next workout or fuel their brain for their demanding lives. They know that their food choices have a direct effect on energy levels, productivity, and performance.

Woman Preparing Batch Of Healthy Meals At Home In Kitchen

(4) They are open to trying new things

Most of my super fit friends use self-reflection and introspection to identify their optimal sleep, exercise, performance, connectedness, and nutrition patterns so they can be productivity machines. They are always “testing” to see what works and are open to trying new things. They view what others think of as mistakes as experiments, not only with their training yet with every aspect of their lives. And most importantly, they don’t subscribe to the common “eat less and workout more” philosophy that the media wants them to believe.

(5) They are HAPPIER!

They know their core values, and their lifestyle centered on health and wellness aligns with those values. They surround themselves with others who prioritize health and wellness, and they have a core group of people whom they can rely on for support, inspiration, and encouragement.

The healthiest and fittest people I know did not get there overnight. It took time, dedication, accountability, and intention. As we approach the Fall, now is a great time to consider where you can make small, positive, sustainable changes in your life to achieve greater health and wellness.

We want to help you (and your team!) take charge of your health and wellness and make it FUN. Here are two ways you can get started today. If you’re interested in joining our Small Group Concierge program, email us at We have almost filled our 6am session and are quickly filling our lunchtime group. You’ll have a built-in community of others seeking holistic wellness!

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"Fitness is the greatest gift you can give yourself."

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