At Alexandria Wellness, we believe in making daily physical movement a habit. Not only does physical movement help build muscle and fight fat, but regular exercise also reduces stress, improves your mood, and increases productivity. Our clients believe that physical strength leads to emotional strength, emotional strength helps you build stress-resilience practices, and stress-resilience leads to increased productivity and a more contented lifestyle.
This holds true for all ages! Physical movement isn’t just for those of us trying to improve our overall wellness as we age; it is even more important to help our community’s children make it a habit. Research has shown that just as exercise benefits adult mood and motivation, movement-based activities throughout the day also prime kids’ brains for optimal learning.
I feel so fortunate to work with women who have passion and commitment to our wonderful City of Alexandria community. I am honored to support RunningBrooke’s commitment to providing movement strategies and tools to support the students of Alexandria City Public Schools.
Please join our team and our community in supporting this important effort.
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The RunningBrooke Story
At RunningBrooke, we use movement to transform learning so all students can reach their highest potential. We do this by providing simple yet revolutionary tools that inspire movement in the classroom and throughout the day to prime students’ brains for learning.
From active classroom seating like accordion and wobble stools, balance balls to under-desk cycles to fleets of stationary bikes, this equipment allows for natural movement, keeping the core activated, revving the heart, and sparking learning.
The benefits of movement increases focus and attention as well as enthusiasm for learning; decreases the need for redirection; and improves test scores and grades. It also has a positive effect on a student’s social and emotional well-being.
We serve all of ACPS, but especially those who might be overlooked. Our goal is to make sure these students have access to critical tools needed for success – to level the learning field. That’s our only mission at RunningBrooke.
Brooke and the RunningBrooke team are so grateful to Adrien – and you – for trusting and believing in what we do and for your commitment to the ACPS community. Thank you!