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7 Habits Of The Fittest People I Know

I know a few very fit people. Not only because of the profession and vocation I’ve chosen. Yet also because I seek excellence in my own health, wellness, and fitness, I tend to spend time with others who value it as much as I do.


Now, when I say “fit,” I really mean “well.” They may or may not look like Mr. and Mrs. Olympia or a Beach Body model, yet they have a clear sense of the wellness they want to achieve and are on their own personal journey for excellence with a daily focus on it. Yes, their fitness is top-notch. However, what I admire most about all of them is their overall approach to their health and wellness, as you’ll see below.

Let me introduce you to them and the values they embody and share a bit more about their lifestyles. They are all real people with busy lives who claim holistic wellness as a top priority, and it shows.

#1 They choose wellness as a TOP priority.

I believe this is the most important factor for an individual’s chances for success: wellness must be a top priority. It will get you out of bed to exercise, lead you to say “no” to the “non-essentials,” and your physical body will show it.

Wellness is a choice.

I’ve seen over 2,500 individuals who want so much to have “that body” and really “that confident feeling.” Yet the greatest attribute of those who have it: their choices. They all manage to have control over their calendar, their choices are deliberate, and they tend to their self-care.

In our society of “Type A’s” (of which I am a card-carrying member), work and one’s identity can quickly attach to our jobs/job title/proximity to those in “power,” status, and trappings. So often, without intention, these “belongings” take a higher precedent over self-care.

Many of my friends who fall into this “super well” category are entrepreneurs and executives.  They also range in age from 47 to 75. They recognize aging brings the wisdom to slow down and focus on what matters: wellness.

#2 They tend to their emotional health as much as their physical health. They recognize they are one and the same.

The science behind the mind-body connection for ultimate health is well documented. Our brains hold the keys to our overall health. Our brains are the first to be impacted by unhealthy behaviors, thoughts, and actions, creating a (physical) chain reaction inside our bodies.

I have a friend who has been a maverick about his battle with mental illness. He recognizes his duty to himself is to aim for excellence physically to maintain his health for his mind and body. He is retired from the military and in better shape now in his 50s than at the height of his military career.

And how is he one of the strongest people I know – physically? He prioritizes his mental health first, then focuses on diet and exercise.

A Napkin With The Quote &Quot;Don'T Make Resolutions Create Habits&Quot; Sits On A Table With A Red Mug With Coffee And A Pen.

#3 They have unbreakable habits.

We are a result of the thousands of tiny habits we practice every day. For example, one of my buddies picks up his Indian Clubs every day to loosen up his shoulders. He says it takes him about four minutes. While it may seem minor, this practice has proven to serve as a “keystone” habit or one that has the power to start a chain reaction for other habits. They can influence how people work, eat, play, live, spend, and communicate. Keystone habits start a process that, over time, are transformative.

He has a history of shoulder challenges, so he made it a habit to keep them strong and mobile through this practice. Shoulders are very complicated joints. When injured, they impact the entire chain of joints in our bodies. As athletes, maintaining shoulder health is about as important as hydration.

My friend trains most days of the week, yet he maintains his overall wellness by focusing on the strength and mobility of his shoulders – daily.

Those who prioritize wellness “show up” no matter the circumstances. When life gets busy or challenging, they aren’t thrown off course because their wellness habits are a part of their lifestyle, not just something they do on “sunny days.”

“Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life.”  -Jerzy Gregorik

#4 They study the science, yet more important, listen to their bodies for feedback.

I, too, can get super caught up in the science of food, exercise, emotional health, etc. I have access to some of the best research out there. Yet, like my friends, I choose to watch how different choices impact me and my clients first. These are real-world examples of victories, plateaus, and the rest.

I also recognize a lot is going on behind the science, and sometimes – yes, even sometimes – the science was meant to create a particular outcome.

One friend and I laugh at all the “scientific” studies in the wellness arena. Yet we know we conduct them every day with our clients and ourselves!


#5 They get their sleep.

This is probably the most common link between all my friends who are super fit. They prioritize sleep just as much as their workouts.

Another friend of mine takes her sleep as seriously as she does her challenging workouts and pristine diet. If it’s past 10pm, you know where she is? She’s asleep. She has two kids, a traveling husband, and her own thriving fitness business. She figured out how to take control of her wellness (physical and emotional) and make her sleep – where she is reaping all the benefits of her killer workouts – top on her list.

#6 They take the time to reflect on “what didn’t go right” instead of forging ahead into the latest cleanse, diet, exercise fad, or gadget.

Most of my super fit friends use self-reflection and introspection to identify optimal sleep, exercise, performance, connectedness, and nutrition patterns so they can be productivity machines. They are always “testing” to see what works. They view what others think of mistakes as experiments not only with their training yet with every aspect of their lives.

One buddy takes his rest and recovery – no, not just from exercise, yet “purposeful pauses” and sleep – as seriously as he does his training.

#7 They recognize they are on a journey.

Most of my friends who fall in this “super fit” category admit they are on a different path than they were five years ago and will be in five years. Life’s circumstances change, as does our approach to our wellness. Keeping their eyes wide open behooves them to reach this optimal health.

These “super fit wellness wonders” did not get there overnight. It took time, dedication, accountability, and intention. As we approach the new year, now is a great time to consider where you can make small, positive, sustainable changes in your life to achieve greater health and wellness.

If you are interested in any of our programs, email us at contact@adriencotton.com or subscribe to our newsletter below, where we send tips about how you can seek the optimal in wellness.

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"Fitness is the greatest gift you can give yourself."

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