3 Self-Care Practices I Do Even When I’m Slammed

Why would fall be a good time for focusing on self-care? Any new, or renewed, habit starts with a trigger or a cue. Why not use the change of seasons as a trigger to help you curate what matters most – our self-care and ourselves.

When we are at our busiest is when we need to get serious about self-care. The practices we have that work, like my early mornings, daily walks, and Epsom salt baths, remain even though I’d love to “get things done” or check emails instead. Often, we clear self-care from our calendars to “be productive” or to help someone else.

Especially now, these practices are more important than meeting another deadline. In fact, upping your self-care practice will likely help you produce better work, have more clarity in your projects, and exude a sense of calm and confidence to the world. Yes, all of this can be achieved with just a little self-care!

With the change of seasons, there is no better way to increase calm and confidence than to infuse our days with fall-themed self-care!

I work with so many women who are busy. They are executives, mothers, entrepreneurs, you name it – with a variety of demands. Some feel “too busy” for self-care or even for a moment to breathe. And, of course, they feel “too tired” for anything other than their routine. Some even find self-care to be selfish in general – a mere time-wasting frivolity instead of an essential ingredient to wellness and optimal performance.

Self-care shifts our stressed and irritated mindsets to feelings of calmness and gratitude. Self-care can be one of the most beneficial wellness assets when approached mindfully, which is why I compiled a short list of three self-care methods that coincide with better SLEEP, better MOVEMENT, and less STRESS.

1. Sleep: Fall-Scented Salt Baths

Unlike before, when I’d bring my phone, my extensive “to-do” lists, and worries to bed with me, I now leave them downstairs and away from our bedroom. Yes, even the worries are left behind. That is our space. That is not a place where my work, my phone, and my to-do lists are welcome.

Over 12 years ago, when I first learned about how Epsom salt baths could help me tame my stress and give me the energy I needed for the demanding life I chose, I thought they were a joke. How could soaking in a tub at night before bed without my phone help me?

Twelve years later, there is rarely a night when our bathtub is not in use. I add a very heavy pour of Epsom salts and essential oils as I soak without any electronic devices. On occasion, our daughter will soak her sore muscles too. It’s like magic. Our sleep is restful and uninterrupted and our bodies get that magnesium they crave.

For the fall, you can opt for salt baths with hints of pumpkin, vanilla, or apple to provide an extra bedtime bonus of aromatherapy! With every minute of soaking, your mind can more easily drift into dreams of pumpkin patches and apple picking!

2. Movement: Taking the Scenic Route

Take advantage of the fall foliage and crisp air by bringing your movement outside.

Maybe the chilly and dark change of seasons is holding you back from your morning walks.

Maybe, like me, you prefer temperatures over 60 degrees and oceanside walks with a loved one.

Middle Aged Woman Taking A Walk Outside With Fall Leaves And Winter Coat

Do you need an alternative to dark and chilly morning walks? Opt for five or 10 minute walks throughout the day and between meetings or errands to grab a gander at the colors. Not only will you get your much-needed vitamin D, but you will also get what I call a “purposeful pause.” A “purposeful pause” gives your brain the break it needs to recover from the constant “on demand” practice. Get in a few of those walks and you’ll get close to your step goal and return with a clearer mind and renewed sense of purpose for your day. For those of you who love to count the minutes you exercise each day, this can get you easily to your 30-40 minutes!

Bonus: Leave the phone at home or in the office. This tells your brain that this walk is all about you, while grabbing the phone can send “giving away my time to others” messages.

3. Stress: Journal It Out (cozy socks and blanket optional)

The science behind the mind-body connection for total health and wellness is well-documented. There is no better way to nurture this connection than by spending quiet and uninterrupted time reflecting on your day through journaling. Taking the time to slow down and reflect on your day helps with regulating emotions and creating a healthier body overall.

Alexandria Wellness Logo With The Word Journal Written Below It

With the weather growing colder and the days getting shorter, the fall is a great season to begin this new habit. You can write about whatever you’re feeling, but a great tip to get you started is to begin with journaling your gratitude for the joys of the past year as a new year approaches. The benefits of gratitude journaling are endless.

People who practice gratitude experience less stress, less bodily aches and pains, and more optimism. And, that’s right, they also live longer!

Are you resigned to suffering through perimenopause and menopause? There are proven steps to change your daily habits and to transform your relationship with wellness and your body. Join me for a live webinar where I share strategies that thousands of empowered women are using to thrive throughout menopause! Dates: November 11, 2022, 12-1pm EST or November 15, 6-7pm EST.

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