One Exercise to Do Everyday

I have one exercise you can do daily to rev up your metabolism, build muscle and strength, give you a quick cardio hit, build your balance, and rock your core. When I think of exercise, I want it to always be efficient. I want it to…

  •  Be simple
  • Be functional – like I can use it during the day
  • Be achievable for all fitness levels
  • Engage my core
  • Give me a cardio “hit”
  • Require only my body
  • Connect me to the ground, so I can use it as a “piece of equipment”
  • Require little physical space
  • Continue to build my athleticism to meet any daily challenge
  • Build the most strength and muscles possible in the shortest period of time – even 30 minutes per day
  • Increase my balance and mobility

Wooden Sign Post Outside That Says Learn, Practice, Improve

While I recommend practicing it outside, on your lawn, driveway, or on the sand during your beach vacation, it is also an exercise, so simple to do inside – and with very little space.

This one exercise is something I personally practice every day.

This one exercise is a movement our Alexandria Wellness clients have mastered over the past year.

This one exercise is also a part of my new online wellness course, which I’ll be releasing this summer.


Here it is!



I credit the crawl with not only helping me increase my athleticism 10-fold in the past 10 years, practicing it has strengthened my core, my legs, my arms, and my resolve to get even better at it. Crawling improves coordination and gets both sides of the brain working together by challenging you to use your opposing limbs (arms and legs) simultaneously – something that takes practice to master! Best off, the crawl has helped hundreds of our clients prevent injury, get strong(her), and love love love to be on the floor! Whether you are a beginner and just starting your fitness journey or a top-level athlete, rest assured there is a crawl variation that will work for you.

Do not hesitate to get on my newsletter list to learn about my new online program to be released this summer.  You will learn not only this version yet eight more that have helped so many women gain strength, mobility, and movement freedom!

About the Author

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"Fitness is the greatest gift you can give yourself."

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