3 Ways To Get Your Wellness Back On Track Before Summer Ends

Now is the perfect time to get your calm on, relax the nervous system, and give stress a break! This is what I plan to do.

School is still on break, and Congress is in Recess. Even if these two circumstances don’t impact you, Washington, D.C. is mostly SLOW and lends itself to time away from Alexandria or just from the busyness of your daily routine.

What a great opportunity to focus on your wellness.

What can make this last month of “summer break” a success for your wellness? How can you really take charge and focus on your fitness and your sleep and make wellness a priority on your calendar?

(1) Make your health, your wellness, and your fitness a top priority. I know this sounds easy. It may even sound simple. And you may even be thinking, “Well, sure, my health is a top priority.” Yet, is it?

If so, rock on. Yay, you!

When was the last time you considered your health and wellness even more important than the needs of others around you?

Do you start and end your days with actions, thoughts, and activities that benefit your wellness?

Is your identity wellness centric?

Do you consider your health and wellness a core value for which you will prioritize above most other activities and people?

Are they on your calendar throughout the day? I’m not talking about an hour sweaty workout. I’m thinking simple: five breaths, standing up from your desk chair for one minute with your eyes off your screen, closing your eyes to practice gratitude. Each of these and hundreds more can take less than two minutes.

Prioritize Your Well Being Written On A Napkin With A Cup Of Coffee And Pen

(2) Surround yourself with others with similar goals and values – like wellness. The more positive we are, the more likely we will take care of ourselves. We will tend to our self-care. We will make wellness a priority (see #1!).

For those who surround themselves with others who share in their commitment to wellness, their attitude toward wellness is a priority; therefore, they accomplish more…. well… wellness! Your conversations, your motivation, and your identity are infused with wellness.

Mature Female Friends Socializing In Backyard Together

(3) Wellness must be a prominent item on your schedule. Or, it simply won’t happen.

At Alexandria Wellness, we encourage our clients to put walks, breathing, reverse alarm, and one-block walks on their calendars. Why? Because if it’s not there, it won’t happen. Most of our lives, we admit, are controlled by our calendars. If a doctor’s appointment, a household contractor, whatever, aren’t on it, we can forget about it or cancel at the last minute. When we see our wellness appointments on the calendar, they are also a reminder we are doing something for ourselves.

Mature Woman Thinking Over A Notebook At A Table.

If these three things happen, your wellness will most certainly happen. Just make sure to take it slow and let us know if we can help you!

We want to help you (and your team!) take charge of your health and wellness and make it FUN. Here are two ways you can get started today. If you’re interested in joining our Small Group Concierge program, email us at contact@adriencotton.com. We have almost filled our 6am session and are quickly filling our lunchtime group. You’ll have a built-in community of others seeking holistic wellness!

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"Fitness is the greatest gift you can give yourself."

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